About Me

Hello!  I’m Laura – welcome to my little corner of the internet!  One of my favorite things is making delicious food for my family and friends, and this is where I document what I make!  I live in North Carolina with my husband Andy, our little girl Anna Ruth and our fur baby Bailey.  I work for a global leadership organization that researches and develops best (duh) leadership practices.  Andy is a seventh grade science and social studies teacher, and is currently in grad school working towards a Masters of Administration with the intent of becoming a principal.  Anna Ruth is two, so some of you know what that means for us 🙂  She is the sweetest two-year-old around, and when I say laughing is her favorite thing I’m totally serious.  She has the best gut laugh, and it is one of my favorite sounds —-> gushiness stops now.

The Peascoe Family

Andy and I both love to cook; it’s something we’ve enjoyed doing together since we were dating, and it continues even with our hectic schedules.  While I’ll be doing most of the content for this here blog, he’ll make the occasional appearance post, so look out for that!  His posts will likely involve grilling large pieces of meat, or just grilling in general as that is something I’m just not good at.  When it comes to food we are wide open, so we cook any and all styles of food.  We don’t cook with a ton of red meat, but we do a lot of chicken and vegetarian dishes.  No matter what I try to add/stuff/hide/whatever as many veggies into a dish as I can because, you know, more veggies.  While Andy generally prefers to double the amount of meat in a recipe, I prefer to double the veggies, and since this is my blog I win 🙂

Thank you for stopping by!  Feel free to subscribe, so you can get all of our yummy recipes as we post.  Also, sharing is caring, so any pinning is also welcome!

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